Saving to fulfil dreams

Tahua Pihema (Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki) recently received a book from her tāua, Raana Kerekere Tangira, called “The Young New Zealanders Guide to Entrepreneurship” by Dr Ian Hunter. The book contained an entry form for a competition run by Young Enterprise Trust.  As part of entering the competition, Tahua had to write her personal goal and she provided the following:

“As a Year 9 student this year, I’m considering a number of different pathways, but whichever one I choose, my aspiration is to be the unequivocal best in that, or those fields.” [Read more…]

Around the motu

We’ve been out and about in Timaru, Ōāmaru and Arowhenua and in the lower parts of Te Ika a Māui, meeting with whānau and helping them to join Whai Rawa. Our total membership is now over 18,500. Why are whānau still joining Whai Rawa? Some for the matched savings*, some for the distributions but mostly because they have been meaning to join and just didn’t get round to it before now. [Read more…]


Moneyweek 2013 is fast approaching (1-7 September) and like last year, the Whai Rawa team will conduct a school programme for tamariki within the takiwā. Details of who will be participating this year can be found at There you will also find events in the community that you or your whānau can be involved in. Alternatively, if you are conducting your own event, we’d love to inform others. Call Teone Sciascia on 03 3721112.

The Kā Pūtea Scholarship Panel comprising Lisa Tumahai, Liz Brown (Papatipu Rūnanga education rep) and James Caygill (GM Tribal Interests) met in early June to award the 2013 Kā Pūtea targeted and general scholarships.

The table below lists the 22 scholarships approved ($1,500 per scholarship). The remaining scholarship applications have been sent to Papatipu Rūnanga who will each allocate up to $1,500 (this may be split between more than one recipient).

For further information about these and other grants go to and click on ‘Grants’.
