On 3 October, whānau travelled to Taranaki to take our piki-kōtuku onto Muru Raupatu Marae. Warwick Tauwhare-George is the newly appointed chief executive of Parininihi Ki Waitōtara (PKW). It was a beautiful day on Muru Raupatu Marae meeting up with ngā Ruahine whānau again.

Also to acknowledge the other iwi of the rohe Te Ati Awa, Taranaki iwi, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Rauru and Ngāti Ruanui. Warrick is the son of Wi George. We wish Warwick all the very best on this journey and look forward to keeping in touch from time to time.

Hamiria Hutana, Rauhine Coakley, Dallas Seymour, Lisa Tumahai, Rick Braddock, Kim Maanahi, Francois Tumahai, Barry Rooney, Theresa Rooney, June Tuhuru, Warwick Tauwhare-George with his wife and children, and sister Nadine Tunley.

Hamiria Hutana, Rauhine Coakley, Dallas Seymour, Lisa Tumahai, Rick Braddock, Kim Maanahi, Francois Tumahai, Barry Rooney, Theresa Rooney, June Tuhuru, Warwick Tauwhare-George with his wife and children, and sister Nadine Tunley.

Muru Raupatu Marae.

Muru Raupatu Marae.