Aoraki Bound experience

Ngā manaakitanga o te wā ki a koutou katoa.
Aspiration – what is it? I think most people would say it is a hope or ambition towards achieving something. Very few would say its other meaning; the process of drawing breath. In February I was part of Kupe 614, a nervous but eager few who were embarking on the journey of Aoraki Bound. The whakataukī encompassing this journey was: “Ekea kā tiritiri o te Moana – ascend to the heights of your aspiration”. Right from the get go it was no walk in the park and needless to say, it wasn’t long until I felt at the top of my breathing capability. There were challenges every day in every way, however as a group we ascended every time. As individuals we each had our own strengths that we could contribute to the group, and as a group, achieve a goal that not one of us could have achieved on our own. The human bond – te taura tangata – was quickly and strongly formed early in the game. We cared for each other, nursed each other, encouraged each other, and carried each other’s gears if needed, all with a smile even when trying to smile hurt. I believe the strength of our bond came from these acts of aroha – kindness. The giving of aroha for us became an everyday thing like breathing, we didn’t think about it, it was just what we did naturally. Aroha – It unified us, it carried us to our destination. Big shout out to my watch – Kupe 614, love and miss you all. Nā Irai Weepu.

Kupe 614 at the top of Mount Royal.

Kupe 614 at the top of Mount Royal.