University of Canterbury Council

The university council is the governing body of the university and is responsible for the governance of the university. Its powers are set out in the Education Act (1989) and include the oversight of the institution’s policy, degree, financial and capital matters.

Council members must have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to make a meaningful and constructive contribution to the effective governance of a major New Zealand university. It is not expected, necessarily, that every council member will be an expert in all areas but rather that different individuals may bring different strengths and perspectives. What is important is that collectively the members of the council bring the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to govern the university.

Skills and experience in:

  • Analysis of complex and multi-dimensional issues
  • Interpretation of financial and operating information and trends
  • Strategic management and planning, including risk management
  • Monitoring strategic, operational and financial performance and trends

Knowledge of:

  • The tertiary education sector and universities in particular
  • Education and research
  • The needs and aspirations of the communities which the university serves
  • Stakeholder expectations and perspectives
  • The Governments tertiary education strategy, priorities and policies.