On 26 March, we had a school visit from Te Anau Primary School who are biannual visitors to our marae. It is always a pleasure to welcome the tamariki, their parents and teachers onto the marae.

After the pōwhiri we broke into a series of groups that included; waiata, stick games, pūrākau, ukulele, beach walking and building a whare rau.

The enthusiasm with which the tamariki set about their tasks was heartwarming. It was awesome to see them buzzing from station to station and sharing with their friends the new skills and information they had learned.

In between sessions and at lunchtime it was marvelous to see the refurbished playground being tested to the max.

These visits are great learning opportunities for us as well as tamariki and their whānau. Aside from the educational benefits, such ventures also serve as an opportunity for us to promote an understanding of our values to the wider community. A big thank you to everybody who contributed and made this such a successful day.

Marama Cooper teaches the children a Māori stick game.

Marama Cooper teaches the children a Māori stick game.

Rangimaria Suddaby during a lesson with the tamariki.

Rangimaria Suddaby during a lesson with the tamariki.

Judy McDowall leading tamariki in a waiata session.

Judy McDowall leading tamariki in a waiata session.