Kia ora koutou whānau
Ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa

How the heck are you all? I hope you are all well and slowly getting over the winter colds and sniffles. Spring is on its way but then it’s summer and then Christmas. I believe we have had a couple of very good hui here on the marae and everything is going well, so that’s great.

I have been away catching up with whānau in Auckland and Tauranga, friends in Ōpōtiki. I stayed for five weeks and had an awesome time catching up with my daughters, moko, nieces and the cousins. Being away from my immediate family, I can understand how whānau are when they can’t see them all the time – when whānau live in the North Island. Sorry for the waffling on whānau but it was great to see them, as I had not met my moko before; so yes, I’m very grateful to have been up there to spend the time with them all.

Back to business as usual at the marae/rūnaka. We had a PACT cultural hui, our kaumātua kapa haka team had a fantastic fundraiser, and there was a blessing of new work being done at the airport. We also had an injury prevention hui combined with safer communities hui. It was very informative and there was a great turnout too. It was an excellent hui with great food and fantastic hosts – overall it was a most enjoyable day.

Well, that’s enough from me… oh no something else… I hope my niece is enjoying her new role on their farm, Kapai Ranch; and to my North Island whānau, my daughters, nieces, cousins and my sister, arohanui to you all – and to our Ngāi Tahu whānau as well, kia ora. That’s all from me, give a hug, give a smile and make people around you happy.

Nā Squirrel on the Hill.

A successful kapa haka fundraiser.

A successful kapa haka fundraiser.

Whānau at the PACT Southland cultural training hui.

Whānau at the PACT Southland cultural training hui.