Learning about the careers of their tīpuna was the focus of a careers workshop held at Moeraki Marae on 16 October. Stacey Reynolds from Moeraki, who works for Careers New Zealand, presented the workshop to Year 10 Māori students from Waitaki Boys and Waitaki Girls high schools. The careers workshop is part of a pilot programme being rolled out at the two schools.

The programme identifies and affirms traditional Māori approaches to career and skill development and their relevance today; and describes the growth of the Māori economy and key opportunities to participate in and contribute to this in the future.

At the end of the careers workshop students, staff and whānau spent the afternoon listening to David Higgins talking about some of the history of Moeraki and the positive future that Ngāi Tahu are creating for their descendants.

David Higgins demonstrates how whakapapa can cover many generations.

David Higgins demonstrates how whakapapa can cover many generations.

David Higgins shares Moeraki history with the students.

David Higgins shares Moeraki history with the students.

Students and staff gather for a group photograph.

Students and staff gather for a group photograph.