Rōpū tamariki – a new youth group

Hokonui Rūnanga staff and volunteers have started a new youth group in Gore for tamariki aged five to 12. Around 30 tamariki attended our first meeting at O Te Ika Rama Marae on 25 July, during the school holidays.

Mere Fowler, Krystal Fowler, Terry Stott, Nanny K (Kay Lawton) and other volunteers facilitated the day and tamariki enjoyed a wide range of activities; harakeke crafts, kapa haka, arts and crafts, outdoor and fitness activities.

If you have any tamariki who you think who would like to join us, please contact the office on 03 208 7954 to arrange this. Transport is provided.

Show at the marae

The rūnanga covered in snow during the June storm. Photos by Rewi Anglem.

June snowfall at Hokonui Marae.

June snowfall at Hokonui Marae.

The Hokonui Marae pond covered in snow.

The Hokonui Marae pond covered in snow.